Thursday, 7 March 2013

Followup: Garnier Dark Spot Treatment

As a dedicated Bzzagent, I've been using the Garnier Dark Spot Overnight Peel at night for nearly a month now. I am loving what it does for my face.

I've not noticed a significant reduction - yet - in dark spots, because you need many more weeks of cumulative effect for that, and my dark spots are stubborn. But, the most immediate result was that my skin is smoother. Just....smoother. I scrub less in the shower. I can even skip daily scrubbing, and use a softer sponge rather than the hard mitt I was forced to resort to daily.

The pores on my face are shrinking, so I have fewer fat deposits in the pores of my nose and chin, two areas I had to focus on every day before starting on the Garnier Dark Spot treatment.

So, an alternate benefit for a product named for something else, but it was a problem that had been frustrating me. For this reason I will continue using and purchasing Garnier Dark Spot Overnight Peel and maybe even look into the matching products.

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